Megan Sullivan

Ways to Use Up Your Professional Development Budget

December 3rd, 2020

(2-minute read)


It's almost the end of 2020 (yay!), which means it's time to make sure you've used up all of your professional development (PD) budget for the year!

Out of ideas? Here's a list of some resources I've either used or added to my own wishlist. It's mostly geared toward my own interests: web development, accessibility, and education.

Reach out on Twitter and share your favorite places to splurge on learning resources!

👩‍🏫 Workshops and Courses

📚 Books

🔁 Subscriptions

  • Frontend Masters: Full-length video courses about a wide variety of web development topics. Good if you're looking for in-depth instruction.
  • Bite-sized videos with very practical steps. Good if you're looking for quick, example-driven explanations.
  • Deque University: A learning platform focused entirely on web accessibility and digital equality. They also have an entire course dedicated to preparing for the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) certification.
  • Ness Labs: Neuroscience-based content about how your brain works and ways to maximize learning. A yearly membership gives you access to workshops, virtual meetups, and an online community.